Sunday, July 14, 2024


 The influences in consumerism is insane nowadays! 

Was scrolling on a 'clock' app yesterday, found a video of person using a nokia button phone, attached beg kuning on it too. At that moment, I realized that enough is enough. 

I can't enjoy this app like back then. It's full of affiliate content these days. 

People keep buying things they don't need. And for what reason? Because everyone else have it? Because it's trending? 

I understand if it's a necessity but-

buying an extra stuff just because it's cute while u just bought the same thing last month but in different color is just insane. 

Trust me, it's a waste of money and a waste of space. 

(The intention of this post is purely as a reminder to me. A victim of consumerism as well. I can't look at any cute items anymore...I must stand on what I posted. I must learn to buy less. I must use things until it breaks. Unless.......if it's really cute..........but again, I must be strong!!)

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